Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.

Special Operators

Ternary ? : 

The ternary operator is a shortcut for 'if a, then b, else c'.

It is used as an expression to determine a value.

$a = condition ? $result1 : $result2

// Same as...
if condition {
    $a = $result1
} else {
    $a = $result2

// Examples
$a = true ? 'Yes' : 'No'   //= 'Yes'
$b = false ? 'Yes' : 'No'  //= 'No'

$badge = $isVerified ? '(Verified User)' : ''

Modulo % 

Modulo gives you the remainder after dividing two numbers.

If the right side of the operator is negative, the result will also be negative.

10 % 2  //= 0
10 % 3  //= 1
10 % 4  //= 2

-10 %  3  //=  1
 10 % -3  //= -1  // negative right side
-10 % -3  //= -1  // negative right side


Modulo is often used to check if a number is odd or even.

However, for clarity, you can simply call methods on the number itself.

$num = 20

$num.isEven() //= true
$num.isOdd() //= false

$num.isMultipleOf(5) //= true
$num.isMultipleOf(7) //= false

Orset & Andset 

Logic and assignment can be combined into a single operator.

Orset ||=

Orset (OR Set) can be used to assign a default value.

$numGuests ||= 1

// same as...

if !$numGuests: $numGuests = 1

Andset &&=

Andset (AND Set) can be used to process a value further, if it exists.

$date &&= formatDate($date)

// same as...

if $date: $date = formatDate($date)

Orval & Andval 

These operators return the value of either side, depending on whether the left value is true or false.

Orval ||:

Orval (OR Value) can be used to assign a default value.

$id = $ ||: -1

// same as...

if $ {
    $id = $
} else {
    $id = -1

Andval &&:

Andval (AND Value) can be used to check if an object is valid before accessing it further.

$id = $user &&: $

// same as...

if $user {
    $id = $
} else {
    $id = $user // falsey value

Splat ... 

The splat ... prefix operator can be used to pack or unpack function arguments to/from Lists.


Use splat in a function signature to combine a variable number of arguments into a single List.

fn dropFirst($first, ...$rest) {
    return $rest

dropFirst(1, 2, 3, 4)
//= [2, 3, 4]


Use splat in a function call to expand a List into individual arguments.

fn add($n1, $n2, $n3) {
    return $n1 + $n2 + $n3

$nums = [11, 22, 33]

//= 66

Cat ^^ 

The cat ^^ prefix operator applies advanced opti-meow-zation to a variable.

$moneyInBank = 301.67

//= 'MEOW'

Spaceship <=> 

The spaceship operator compares two numbers and returns -1, 0, or 1, depending if the 1st number is less than, equal, or greater than the 2nd number.

This is primarily used for sorting functions.

1 <=> 2  //= -1
1 <=> 1  //=  0
2 <=> 1  //=  1

$letters = q[x y z]

$letters.sort(x{ $b <=> $a })
//= ['z', 'y', 'x']

Bitwise Operators 

Because bitwise operations are rarely used in web development, THT uses a non-convential syntax (borrowed from Raku) to avoid accidental confusion with their Logical counterparts (e.g. & vs. &&).

+|  bitwise OR
+&  bitwise AND
+^  bitwise XOR
+~  bitwise NOT
+>  bitwise SHIFT RIGHT
+<  bitwise SHIFT LEFT

These can be used with literal binary digits with the 0b prefix.


$bin = 0b100 +& 0b110
//= 4 (0b100)


In place of switch, there will be a match operator, similar to what was introduced in PHP 8.

Coming soon.