Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.

Install THT

What You Need 

To run THT, you will need these requirements.

Installing PHP

You can run php -v to see if PHP is installed and has the right version.

If you need to install PHP, here are some links:

Code Editor 

If you use TextMate or Sublime Text, you can download the THT.tmbundle to add syntax highlighting support for .tht files.

Otherwise, you can get by using the syntax for PHP or JavaScript.

Step 1: Run the THT Install Script 


Run this command to install THT in your local user directory:

curl -s -o && source


On Windows, you will need to install it manually. (Installer coming soon.)

Step 2: Verify It 

Let’s check that THT is set up properly.

Run the tht command without arguments.

$ tht

If everything worked, you should see the help page, like this:


- Version: 0.7.1 - Beta

- Commands:

  · new <appName>   create an app in the current dir
  · info            get detailed config and install info
  · server          start the local test server (port: 3333)

> Usage: tht [command]


If you have an issue that you can’t figure out, post your error messages and platform info at the Issue Tracker or the Discord server and we’ll try to help.

(We’ll add more tips here as we get more feedback.)


You are now ready to set up the starter app.