Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.


Foreach Loops 

A foreach loop runs the same block of code for every item in a List.

foreach $list as $item {
    // $item holds the value of the current
    // cycle of the loop.


$colors = ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow']

foreach $colors as $color {
    print($color ~ ' is a primary color.')

//= 'Red is a primary color'
//= 'Blue is a primary color'
//= 'Yellow is a primary color'

Looping Over a Range 

Use the range function to loop over a range of numbers.

foreach range(1, 3) as $n {

//= 1
//= 2
//= 3

You can give a step as the third parameter, to make the loop increment by that value.

// step = 2
foreach range(1, 10, 2) as $n {

//= 2
//= 4
//= 6
//= 8
//= 10

Looping Over Keys 

You can also loop over the key/value pairs of a Map.

Use a slash / to define separate variables for the current key and value.

foreach $map as $key/$value {


$countryCodes = {
    MX: 'Mexico',
    FI: 'Finland',
    JP: 'Japan',

foreach $countryCodes as $code/$name {
    print($code ~ ' is the code for ' ~ $name)

//= MX is the code for Mexico
//= FI is the code for Finland
//= JP is the code for Japan

List Indexes

You can also use this approach to loop over List indexes.

$letters = ['A', 'B', 'C']

foreach $letters as $i/$letter {
    print($i ~ ' --> ' ~ $letter)

//= 1 --> A
//= 2 --> B
//= 3 --> C

Loop Control 

break Statement

Use break to immediately exit a loop.

The program will jump to the end of the block and continue from there.

$lines ='quotes.txt')

// Find the 1st quote that refers to 'inspiration'
foreach $lines as $line {
    if $line.contains('inspiration') {
        break  // end the loop

continue Statement

Use continue to skip the current cycle of a loop.

It will immediately jump to the top of the block and resume the next cycle.

$lines ='quotes.txt')

// Print all lines, but skip any that refer
// to 'laziness'
foreach $lines as $line {
    if $line.contains('laziness') {
        continue  // skip to the next cycle

Infinite Loops 

The loop statement will keep repeating until you exit via break.

This is useful when you don’t know exactly how many times it should repeat.

loop {
    $quote = getNextQuote()

    if !$quote {
    else if $quote.contains('creativity') {