Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.


Db.updateRow($table, $colMap, $whereMapOrSql) -> false


Update one row of a table, if it matches $whereMapOrSql.

$whereMapOrSql can be a Map of column-to-value constraints, or a SQL TypeString.

// Update a user's email address

$newVals = {
    email: '',

Db.updateRow('users', $newVals, { userId: 1234 })

// Runs query:
// UPDATE users SET
//    email = '',
//    updatedDate = '2021-03-23 16:38:11'
// WHERE userId = 1234
// LIMIT 1

// With SQL TypeString
$where = sql'userId = {}'.fill(1234)
Db.updateRows('users', $newVals, $where)

Object Values

If an updated value is an object, it will try to convert it to a string:

See Also