Version: v0.8.0 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.

Database Configuration

Databases are configured in your app config file for your local environment.

By default, THT will look in config/app.local.jcon.

Entries with a file key will point to a sqlite file in data/db.

    app: {

    databases: {

        // default sqlite database
        default: {
            driver: sqlite
            file: app.db

        // exampe of a mysql database
        another: {
            driver: mysql      // or 'pgsql'
            server: localhost
            database: example
            username: dbuser

            // Password set in Environment variable:
            // 'THT_DB_PASSWORD_ANOTHER'

All functions use the default database. To point to another database, call Db.use (see below).

THT will automatically connect to each database as needed, and disconnect when the current request ends.

See Also