Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.


A Map is a collection of key/value pairs.

A Map is like a List, but instead of having a numbered index (1, 2, 3), each item corresponds with (or “maps to”) a String key.

Maps are surrounded by curly braces { } and each key/value pair is joined by a colon :.

// An empty Map
$user = {}

// A one-line Map
$user = { name: 'Tashi', age: 33 }

// A multi-line Map
$user = {
    name: 'Tashi',
    job: 'Technologist',
    location: 'Tunisia',
    age: 33,

Accessing Map Fields 

Use dot (.) notation to set and get fields that are defined in the Map.

$user = {
    name: 'Tashi',
    age: 33,

//= 'Tashi'

//= ✕ ERROR - 'email' is not defined

Dynamic Map Values 

Often, Maps are used to create an index with dynamic key/value pairs.

Use [] notation to safely set and get dynamic values.

$numBooks = {}

$numBooks['Anne Tyler'] = 23
$numBooks['Henry Thoreau'] = 17

$favoriteAuthor = 'Anne Tyler'
//= 23

$numBooks['Nelson Nobody']
//= ''  (a safe falsey value)

Keyword Maps 

If you omit a value of a Map property, it will automatically take the value of the key string itself.

$map = { xx, yy, zz }

// is the same as...

$map = {
    xx: 'xx',
    yy: 'yy',
    zz: 'zz',

You can use this to emulate an Enumerated Type (aka “Enum”) in other languages.

$alertLevel = { Red, Yellow, Green }

if $alert == $alertLevel.Red {
    print('- Wooop! Wooop! -')

Map Methods 

Here are some common Map methods.

$calories = {
    taco: 400,
    taters: 300,
    tortellini: 500,

//= ['taco', 'taters', 'tortellini']

//= true

See the Map class for all other methods.