Version: v0.7.1 - Beta.  We welcome contributors & feedback.


match($regexPattern, $groupNames = '') -> string


Apply a regex pattern and return the first match.

Returns an empty string '' if there is no match.

If there is a match, it will return the matched substring.

'abc 123'.match(r'abc \d+')
//= 'abc 123'

'abc 123'.match(r'xyz \d+')
//= ''

// Ignore-case flag
'abc 123'.match(r'ABC'i)
//= 'abc'

Capture Groups

If the regex pattern contains capture groups defined by parens (...), it will return a Map containing the submatch for each group.

Each group of is assigned a number according to where its left paren ( appears in the pattern.

If $groupNames is given a pipe-delimited string of names, those will be used instead of numbers.

The key full will contain the full outer match.

The key indexOf contains the index position of each group.

// Capture groups
'Time: 08:23'.match(r'(\d+):(\d+)')
// {
//    full: 'Time: 08:23',
//    1: '08'
//    2: '23'
//    indexOf: { 1: 7, 2: 10 },
// }

// Capture group names
'Time: 08:23'.match(r'(\d+):(\d+)', 'hour|minute')
// {
//    full: 'Time: 08:23',
//    hour: '08'
//    minute: '23'
//    indexOf: { hour: 7, minute: 10 },
// }

See Also